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Writer's pictureEthan Li-Zhen Kuo

The Last Chapter (for now...): New Beginnings

The beginning: I entered this class as a below average writer. My skills for analyzing source material, active reading, and reviewing writing were all lacking. In hindsight, these problems probably stemmed from a lack of reading and writing in my past. My goals for the the class were to improve my reading and interpretation and writing skills.

The end: I hope to leave this class, with new skills that I will use in the rest of my career no matter what it will be. I think I learned valuable things about the writing process. I think the thing I that I found the most impactful was the structure of the course. The structure the course gave me opened my eyes to the basic writing process: Question, Research, Outline, Draft, Review, Revise. I also learned a lot about active reading. I never used to read as a kid, so naturally my reading skills are pretty poor. I found out in this class that marking text and annotating really helps me analyze.

The future: This class may be coming to an end, but that doesn't I won't stop learning more about writing. For me, this is just the beginning of my journey. In my next writing class I want to work on some skills I found that I did not develop enough in this class. I found that during this class. my writing would sometimes shift focus or I would chose different topics and lose focus. In the future, I want to keep myself on track and not lose sight of my main goal. I also noticed that sometimes my paragraphs are phrased awkwardly. This is something else I want to work on in the next class.

Until next time....

Yours truly,


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Melissa Guadalupe Marcial
Melissa Guadalupe Marcial
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Ethan! I love the mindset you have, i'm sure you will keep doing great! This class has been very beneficial in sharpening my writing skills. I would like to thank you for the feedback on my body paragraphs. I found it very helpful and used the advice you gave me! I wish you the best of luck next quarter! :)


Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Ethan! I know you'll do amazing in your next writing class, with your mind set on a goal you can do it. I thought of myself as a below average writer but like you this class made grew my confidence as a writer. Even though this is the end of this class there are more opportunities to grow as a writer. I hope we meet again in the next writing class we both take!

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